Advent Devotionals - What are Minor Propers?

This Advent, the clergy of Trinity Anglican Church will be providing a daily devotional leading up to Christmas. We hope that these short blogs allow you to grow closer to God and prepare for the birth and second coming of Jesus. These devotionals will be released in the mornings Monday through Friday (The first being on November 28th).

Each day we will post a devotional based on the Minor Propers that are assigned for the prior Sunday. As a foundation, let us answer one simple question. What exactly are the Minor Propers?

Minor Propers are a traditional choral setting of the mass that pair with the theme and readings for that Sunday. They are generally comprised of Psalms and other scriptural quotes. Though they used to be quite common in Churches, they have fallen out of practice in most places.

The Minor Propers are as follows:
  •  Introit (the topic of Mondays) - The Introit is sung while the Priest ascends up to the altar at the beginning of the Mass.
  • Gradual (the topic of Tuesdays) - The Gradual is sung immediately after the reading of the Epistle
  • Alleluia (the topic of Wednesdays) - The Alleluia is sung after the Gradual and before the Gospel is read
  • Offertory (the topic of Thursdays) - The Offertory is sung right after the Peace and while the Deacon and Celebrant prep the altar for Communion
  • Communion (the topic of Fridays) - The Communion is sung right as the priest receives the host after the Invitation.

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